Not all incense is the same...

I mean obviously they all smell different and have varying levels of effect on your mood and senses, but there really is a huge difference in the quality and ingredients that go into what sits there merrily burning away in your incense burner...
A brief history of incense

Incense and burning materials such as agarwood and sandalwood goes back into egyptian times where they would burn aromatic bundles to scent spaces, ward off spirits or even insects,
Incense was used by Chinese cultures from Neolithic times, where it was used in ceremonies, traditional medicine and daily life. Vessels called censers were used to hold the incense ingredients, set alight and then carried around the room or ceremonial hall, emitting rich, powerful smoke that was said to heal, purify and help awaken the senses of those around. In India where Buddhism was founded, incense was widely used and it was said that buddhist monks walking around China introduced the Chinese to the powers of incense burning. From there Japan imported ingredients from China to create their own blends and style of incense sticks.
On the whole, traditional incense going back hundreds of years was relatively similar across India, China, Japan and the rest of Asia, using natural, pure ingredients that stimulated the senses and helped deliver a better state of mind. These incense blends were hand made, family owned traditions that passed down over the years. People perfecting the recipes based on the healing properties of the plants they used. Some of the oldest incense companies still around today have been in business for hundreds of years, keeping their family blends and practises alive.
Today, due to mass demand, certain companies create more commercially viable alternatives to the traditional, natural ingredient incense. Using artificial fragrances, chemicals to assist burning and filling ingredients that increase profitability of their sticks. At APRANA we are dedicated to finding the most natural products we can, hand-made, natural and using the very best ingredients for your senses. We're constantly on the hunt for great products, sourcing makers who adhere to traditional methods and ingredients. One of our favourite makers is Ume Incense, UME was created by Emma Leafe throughout her own healing experiences and after several influential journeys: exploring temples, exquisite tea houses and sacred power places across the globe.
Drawn toward the sacred arts in each place - and being captivated by the raw scents which perfumed these explorations, she began to experience first-hand how fragrance was key in unlocking doors in the mind. From this she discovered the lost art of incense making and began to explore the deeper rituals and crafts that surround it. We love Emma's products and use them ourselves around our home and business. The scents are simply divine and the quality is of the very highest level.

Cones, sage, non combustible and Palo Santo
Of course not all burning comes in the shape of an Incense stick, we also sell the wonderful sage which has incredible cleaning properties, purifying the air and giving off the most calming aroma, once the burning has stopped we smudge the sage bundles onto our very own incense plates, creating a lasting aroma that fills the house. Palo Santo sticks come from the Bursera graveolens tree, native to Peru and Venezuela, was originally on the endangered species list, meaning any Palo Santo must only be harvested from naturally fallen trees, this listing has now been lifted as there is a large reforestation underway to rebuild the species. However, we only ever sell Palo Santo from naturally fallen trees. The fragrance of Palo Santo is really something else, it's a very unique and deeply spiritual scent that promotes calming and grounding. It's a perfect way to start any meditation or yogic practise.

We also sell beautiful cones that are pure incense, and our wonderful maker WXY scents have created a gorgeous concrete box for storage.
This box comes with 22 traditionally made cones that smell divine.
Finally, we are looking at very traditional non combustible incense that you place on top of a burning charcoal block, these are very intense and not for everyone, but if you want a long lasting, powerful room filling incense, then watch this space as we will have some coming soon!