Our partnership with One Tribe

From the very start we knew we needed a partner that we could help with our passion for sustainability. We looked into many organisations and it was warming to see so much action being taken out there. In the end we chose to partner with One Tribe. Their philosophy around helping e-commerce companies was perfect for us and their vision to save the rainforests hit deep with us. We really struggle with the continuous disregard for the 'lungs of the earth', whilst we understand people need livelihoods, it shouldn't be at the expense of the rainforests and animals of the world.

Heres how it works...
It's incredibly simple. For every completed sale on the website, we pay a portion of the basket total to saving trees, 5 trees to be exact, which stores over 2 tons of carbon and removes the emissions of a family car. We think this is pretty awesome. So the more you choose to shop for your sustainable products with APRANA, the more trees you protect. We'd love you to tell your friends and family about this, hopefully they will join you in making better decisions around the products you purchase!
If you would like to know more about our partnership, visit our partner page here: https://brands.onetribeglobal.com/aprana